Disclaimer Policy

Disclaimer Policy:

The site's content/information is provided "as is" and "as available." Unless otherwise specified, statSCALAR makes no representations or warranties and assumes no liability in connection with the use of the information made accessible. You acknowledge that your use of this site is entirely at your own risk. We disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a specific purpose, and non-infringement. Your single and exclusive remedy in connection with your use of the site is to stop using it.


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StatSCALAR awards you a restricted revocable permit to make a connection to the landing page of statscalar.com gave that the connection does not depict statscalar.com, its related organizations, or its items, in a negative, defamatory, slanderous or misdirecting way. You may not utilize any StatSCALAR logos, design or exchange marks as a feature of the connection without our express consent in composing and make individual utilization of this webpage yet not to download (other than page storing) or change it, or any segment of it, aside from with the express composed consent of StatSCALAR. This permit does exclude any resale or business utilization of this website or its substance; any accumulation and utilization of any item postings, portrayals, or costs; any subsidiary utilization of this webpage or its substance; any downloading or duplicating of record data for the advantage of another vendor; or any utilization of information mining, robots, or comparable information social event and extraction apparatuses. This site or any bit of this site may not be repeated, copied, duplicated, sold, exchanged, went by, or generally abused for any business reason without the express composed consent of StatSCALAR. You may not outline or use surrounding systems to encase any trademark, logo, or other restrictive data (counting pictures, content, page design, or frame) of StatSCALAR and our associates without express composed assent. You may not utilize any Meta labels or whatever other concealed content using StatSCALAR name or trademarks without the express composed assent of StatSCALAR. Any unapproved use ends the consent or permit allowed by StatSCALAR.


You concur not to exchange any part of the information/report you get from us in a way that contends with our items and administrations, without the express composed authorization of StatSCALAR.